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News Coverage

WellCare of Kentucky in the News
- NKY Regional Youth Summit draws 200 students for discussion on suicide prevention, mental health - NKyTribune | NKyTribune
- VOA's Freedom House program moves forward in Owensboro | News | messenger-inquirer.com
- Second annual NKY Regional Youth Summit at NKU: Empowering young mental health champions - NKyTribune | NKyTribune
- Hayden: The work that earned her the 2023 WellCare award was ‘a team effort’ by entire staff | The Western Kentucky Catholic (westernkycatholic.com)
- Dustin Bowman | | state-journal.com
- Hayden receives statewide Community Health Champions award | News | messenger-inquirer.com
- Governor Beshear joins WellCare of Kentucky for annual Community Health Champions Awards (wave3.com)
- Matt and Jennifer Westwood named 'community health care champions' for Chelsea Ryann Festival - NKyTribune | NKyTribune
- KENTUCKY HEALTH NEWS: WellCare of Kentucky, a manager of Medicaid, honors nine Kentucky health heroes with Community Health Champion awards
- 9 health care heroes in Kentucky honored at annual awards reception at Churchill Downs | News | wdrb.com
- Exclusive: Wayspring opens two Kentucky substance abuse treatment clinics with one more on the way - Louisville Business First (bizjournals.com)
- AppalReD Legal Aid receives grant to help victims of domestic violence (wymt.com)
- Myer Creek Park to add outdoor fitness court, studio | Mclean County | messenger-inquirer.com
- WellCare Of Kentucky Partners With Community Action Commission To Open An Emergency Food Pantry - OPEN MINDS
- Be Kind to Your Mind Healthcare Event Held in Hi Hat, Kentucky - YouTube
- Club members host No One Eats Alone Day | Neighbors | thenewsenterprise.com
- Small Business - Harlan Enterprise | Harlan Enterprise (harlandaily.com)
- tristatehomepage.com/news/4000-pinwheels-to-be-planted-at-kentucky-state-capitol-monday/
- LiveWell urges city council to make Florence 'healthy destination,' including curbing smoking, vaping - NKyTribune | NKyTribune
- WellCare's CEO on the big issue his company is facing right now - Louisville Business First (bizjournals.com)
- WellCare donates over $1 million to VOA to expand KY Freedom House programs, including in NKY - NKyTribune | NKyTribune
- $1M donated to help bring women’s rehab center to Owensboro - The Owensboro Times
- Volunteers of America receives $1 million donation to expand Freedom House program across Kentucky | News | wdrb.com
- Two LifeSkills employees earn awards | Community | bgdailynews.com
- Gentry receives Community Health Champion Award 1 | Grayson County | messenger-inquirer.com
- Cumberland River Behavioral Health employee receives WellCare Community Health Champion Award | Community | sentinel-echo.com
- Fox receives WellCare of Kentucky Community Health Champion Award | News | mayfield-messenger.com
- LifeSkills employees given statewide recognition - WNKY News 40 Television
- Welcome House's Stewart, Ethan's Promise's Zegarra named WellCare's Community Health Champions - NKyTribune | NKyTribune
- NKU youth summit to address vaping, tobacco prevention - LINK nky
- More than 100 area students attend NKY Regional Youth Summit on Vaping/Tobacco Prevention - NKyTribune | NKyTribune
- Florence Christian Church meets the community's growing food needs thanks to a grant from Wellcare - NKyTribune | NKyTribune
- WellCare adds Dr. Chirag Patel and Marc Nyarko to Kentucky leadership team - Louisville Business First (bizjournals.com)
- WellCare of Kentucky names 2 to executive posts (beckerspayer.com)
- FSS receives $25K dental care grant | News | paducahsun.com
- West Kentucky Star - News
- Instacart Launches Instacart Health, a Sweeping New Initiative to Deliver the Ingredients for Healthier Living - Perishable News
- Instacart dips toe into health care
- Kentucky Homeplace, WellCare of Kentucky partner to distribute free gas cards (newsbreak.com)
- easternprogress.com | Eastern's independent student newspaper since 1922
- Florence Christian Church meets the community's growing food needs thanks to a grant from Wellcare - NKyTribune | NKyTribune
- Fulton farmers market to give free, fresh produce to attendees on opening day | WPSD Local 6
- West Kentucky Star - News
- WellCare of Kentucky and FRYSC Partner to Host Summer Luau – Salyersville Independent
About WellCare of Kentucky
WellCare of Kentucky provides government-sponsored managed care services to families, children, seniors, and individuals with complex needs primarily through Medicaid, Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans across the state.
WellCare is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Centene Corporation, a leading healthcare enterprise committed to helping people live healthier lives.